TOPSHOT - Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
TOPSHOT - Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian police track down protesters in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018.  More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest
 / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
Tunisian protesters take to the streets in Siliana, some 130 kms south of Tunis, late on January 11, 2018. More than 200 people have been arrested and dozens of police hurt during clashes in Tunisia, the interior ministry said, as anger over austerity measures spilt over into unrest / AFP / Faouzi DRIDI
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رويترز (تونس)
بعد مواجهات عنيفة اندلعت على مدى ثلاثة أيام بسبب رفع الأسعار وفرض ضرائب جديدة، انحسرت نسبيا الاحتجاجات في تونس رغم دعوات نشطاء لمزيد من التحركات، فيما شنت الحكومة حملة اعتقالات جديدة ليزيد عدد المحتجزين إلى نحو 800 بينهم قيادات من المعارضة.

وأفاد المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية خليفة الشيباني لإذاعة «موزاييك إف إم» الخاصة أمس (الجمعة)، بأن الاحتجاجات تراجعت ولم يكن هناك أي تخريب الليلة قبل الماضية، وأضاف أن الشرطة اعتقلت 150 تورطوا في أعمال شغب في الأيام الماضية ليرتفع عدد الموقوفين إلى 778، بينهم 16 إرهابيا.

على الصعيد نفسه، أوضح مصدر قضائي أنه جرى إيقاف 3 من قيادات الجبهة الشعبية في مدينة قفصة للاشتباه بمشاركتهم في حرق وتخريب مبان حكومية، لكن «الجبهة» ذكرت أن قيادات منها اعتقلوا في مدن عدة في إطار حملة سياسية لضرب خصوم الحكومة، معتبرة أن «الحكومة تعيد إنتاج أساليب نظام بن علي القمعية والديكتاتورية».

في موازاة ذلك، طالبت منظمة العفو الدولية أمس السلطات التونسية بعدم استخدام القوة المفرطة مع المتظاهرين، مشيرة على لسان المديرة الإقليمية لها في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا هبة مرايف إلى أنه «يجب على السلطات التونسية ضمان سلامة المتظاهرين السلميين، وعلى قوات الأمن أن تستخدم القوة فقط حين يكون ذلك أمراً ضرورياً وبشكل متناسب تماماً، ولحماية حقوق الآخرين».